Functional Testing


One of the most comprehensive functional and nutritional assessments available. It is designed to help identify root causes of dysfunction and provide a systems-based approach to help clients overcome chronic conditions and live a healthier life.
What Does It Test?
Vitamin and mineral sufficiency
Oxidative stress and antioxidant sufficiency
Detoxification adequacy
Functional status of B-vitamins
Neurotransmitter metabolism
Mitochondrial energy production
Methylation sufficiency status
Lipoic acid and CoQ10 sufficiency
Specific markers of bacterial and yeast dysbiosis
Essential amino acids sufficiency
Intestinal hyperpermeability and gut health
This profile can be ordered as a stand-alone or bundled with other profiles:
Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids
Nutrient and Toxic Elements
Genomics (APO E, MTHFR, TNF-α, COMT)
Test Type: Noninvasive Urine Sample
Who Can Benefit?
Anyone who wants a better understanding of their body for optimal wellness or for those with chronic symptoms and illness looking for root causes to heal from the source.​
Stress handling
Mood imbalances/disorders
Digestive complaints
Body aches and pains
Skin conditions
Weight issues